Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Well hello!

I’ve been thinking to write a blog for a while now so I’m a little bit late at it all but I was apparently too busy before now, even though I now only just started working a full time job. You wanna know what I was doing to be too busy to write a blog? Nothing really but hustling, at home, in my bed. No I had uni, I had exams, both of which are finished now and I'm so happy but mainly I didn’t think (and still don’t think I have anything interesting to say or share) but lets see how this little situation goes. 

So the best thing to do now I guess is introduce myself in the random-est way possible, right. I'm Maggie, Mags, Chip. Hi there. Half the time I have no clue about a lot of things. I'm hopeless in front of the camera and always wonder wonder how others are so photogenic because I'll usually end up doing something stupid. My mum asked me why I always pull a face in most pictures. My answer in simpler terms,  I feel most comfortable that way. I feel like I can be pretty boring at the best of times but so much fun at the same time...! Get to know. There. I might have to update this lame introduction or make myself more interesting later on.
Anyway my main inspiration into why I want to join the blogosphere is because of fashionfashion this fashion that (so original init) but I may just talk about anything that comes up that’s maybe of interest mainly to me probably. I have this little idea known as chipfashion for now. It kinda drove me to want start writing a blog. I guess I could share my fashion likes/sense with you all which I'd say (my fashion sense I mean) doesn’t make any logical sense if fashion does that I don't know but I’ll let you have an opinion on this one if you must. I wear what I want and half the time don’t even put a thought to it, it kinda just works for me. If I see something I like and I have the money to buy it, I most likely will and if not, I’ll try and make it! Which brings me to the next point about myself…I love to sew and try my hand at designing! I’ll show you more of that later and I’ll be adding more pictures as I hopefully make more stuff. I want to come up with more ideas first. For now I’ll keep it simple.
I’m currently at work but its not as busy for the next 15 minutes or so, so this is me keeping myself busy! Productive aren't I? And plus I wanna look like I’m typing really important stuff for when my boss walks past. I’m in the professional world now see. Bringing me to point 3, I don't like being too bored, it makes time go slower and this is the only time I would want time to speed up. By the way, I work in a science lab, you’d be surprised how you can actually get inspiration from a job in a lab to make stuff. A lot of what I do or think usually reverts back to how I can translate that into a clothing item and let me just say not everything works out as it does in my head. I always get so many ideas but my problem is presenting them properly, I get too excited too quick but that’s the fun of it.
I decided to name my blog Kosapo after a 2am phonecall with my mum and what it really means is perseverance.
But for now, duty calls!

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